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Brief Question Answer from 'Nurse's Song' by William Blake

Nurse's Song

1. Who is calling back the children?

Ans: The nurse is calling the children back.  

2. Why does the nurse of "Songs of Innocence" tell the children to stop their play?

Ans: The nurse of "Songs of Innocence" tells the children to stop their play because it is the time of sunset and the fall of dew. 

3. ‘And the dews of night arise'– What does the 'dew' symbolise?

Ans: The 'dew' symbolises materialism. 

4. On what grounds do the children want to play some time more?

Ans: The children want to play some time more on the ground where the little birds are flying and the sheep are gazing on the hillside.

5. How do the children react after being allowed to play till the light fades away?

Ans: After being allowed to play till the light fades away, the children leaped, shouted and laughed. 

6. How is the nurse in “Songs of Innocence”?

Ans: The nurse in “Songs of Innocence” is kind hearted and liberal. 


  1. What might the children's refusal to return home represent?discuss
